This is how the emergency call SOS works via satellite in the iPhone 14

The iPhone 14 is one of the first smartphones that can communicate with satellites. TECHBOOK explains what that brings and how it works.

At the launch of the iPhone 14, Apple announced the new emergency SOS function via satellite. This should help to make an emergency call outside of network coverage. Until now, this required special satellite communication devices.

How Does Emergency SOS Work in iPhone 14?

Not only does the iPhone 14 have a modified modem from the US manufacturer Qualcomm. Apple has also negotiated an exclusive deal with satellite operator Globalstar. This allows the company to use 85 percent of the satellite capacity for the emergency SOS in the iPhone 14 The Wall Street Journal reported. This enables the iPhone to establish a stable connection despite the short contact periods with individual satellites.

Due to the low bandwidth of communicating with a satellite, even text messages take a long time to transmit. Therefore, the iPhone must be aimed directly at a satellite. Apple makes this possible by providing precise on-screen instructions on which direction to hold the iPhone. Nevertheless, the transmission takes at least 15 seconds.

Read on: iPhone 14 in the test – it doesn’t work without Pro anymore

Send an emergency SOS with the iPhone 14

On its support page, Apple explains in detail how to send an emergency SOS with the iPhone 14. To do this, certain conditions should be met. Users should hold the iPhone in their hands as usual – it makes no difference to stretch out your arm. It’s also important to be outside in the open air. Larger buildings and trees can block the signal.

The following steps are then necessary to send an emergency SOS:

  • Try making an emergency call first
  • If that doesn’t work, you can use the option in the phone app Emergency message by satellite choose
  • click on report an emergency
  • Answer the questions on the display below with a simple click
  • You can now choose to notify your emergency contacts and share the location
  • Follow the on-screen instructions to connect to a satellite
  • Once connected, follow the prompts to stay connected and send your emergency message to emergency services – the message includes information such as emergency pass, location, and remaining battery power
  • The emergency services may ask for additional information in text form, which you also answer in text form

In the event of an accident or a fall, the iPhone 14 can also send an emergency SOS via satellite. In addition, regardless of the emergency SOS function, users can share their satellite location via the “Where is?” app at any time.

Service also comes to Germany

Apple has already launched emergency SOS via satellite in the US and Canada. Germany, France, Great Britain and Ireland are to follow in December, according to the company. All iPhone 14 models that have iOS 16.1 or later installed are supported.

From the moment a new iPhone 14 is activated and available in the respective country, the emergency SOS function via satellite is free for two years. Apple has not yet commented on future costs.

