This is how the diet slows down the metabolism and it shows in your skin – eat like a skin expert

If you want your skin in better condition, make sure you have these on your plate. The nurse-cosmetologist is on the side of versatile nutrition. The effect of nutrition on the well-being of the skin has been debated for years. Some are of the opinion that it doesn’t matter what you put in your mouth – it doesn’t cause pimples, but others swear by healthy and clean food with their clear skin. Nurse and beautician Emmi Jokinen from the BeAlive Health Club beauty salon belongs to the latter. – Nutrition greatly affects the condition of the skin. I think the worst for the skin are white grains and sugar. I recommend avoiding white sugar in everyday life and changing white bread to rye bread or 100% oat bread. It certainly has an effect on the skin, says Jokinen.
