This is how the Berliners are gearing up for the next Bibber winter

By Isabel Pancake

Thinking about winter despite the summer heat – that’s what many Berliners are doing at the moment: oil and gas prices are rising, while at the same time business with fireplaces and balcony power plants is booming.

“I have endless inquiries,” says chimney sweep Alain Rappsilber (49), “but it’s good if people take care of it now.”

Because: If you have a chimney in your house, you can really save now. You can get a stove for around 300 euros. However: Because of the new discharge regulations, the old chimneys are often no longer sufficient. Then three to four meters must be put down. And that will be expensive: up to 4000 euros!

Jupp Räwer (78) from Rudow does not want to be dependent on gas in winter and takes advice from chimney sweep Alain Rappsilber (49) about a stove

Jupp Räwer (78) from Rudow does not want to be dependent on gas in winter and takes advice from chimney sweep Alain Rappsilber (49) about a stove Photo: UFUK UCTA

That is why the Berlin chimney sweeps are now demanding because of the energy crisis: The discharge conditions are to be suspended from September by emergency decree. “Otherwise I’m afraid that people will simply put catalytic ovens in their homes this winter. That can quickly end in death!” warns Rappsilber. The danger with gas heaters: Poisonous carbon monoxide can be produced if there is insufficient ventilation.

The demand for balcony power plants – i.e. small solar systems for the balcony – has also risen sharply in Berlin.

Energy consultant Günter Merkel (53) from Friedrichshain: “Balcony power plants are becoming more and more expensive because everyone now wants something like that.” In the past you could get a plug-in system for around 700 euros, today it’s 1100 euros.

A family of four can cover around ten percent of their electricity consumption with a balcony power plant, single people even up to 17 percent. Merkel: “I would recommend a balcony power plant to everyone.”

But: For Berliners with a north-facing balcony, such a mini solar system is not worthwhile. “They need plenty of sun,” says the energy consultant. Even a tall tree can provide too much shade.
