This is how the 18-month-old boy who smoked 40 cigarettes a day in 2010 has changed

11/05/2023 at 15:22


Ardi Rizal went viral after smoking at less than two years old

The Indonesian’s mother looked desperate at the situation

As reported by the World Health Organization (WHO)smoking is one of the biggest threats to health, as it causes more than 8 million deaths a year worldwide. Of which, around 1.3 million are a consequence of non-smokers’ exposure to second-hand smoke.

Tobacco use is harmful, but seeing it in an 18-month-old child surprises many. This occurred in the year 2010, when the story of the Indonesian Ardi Rizal spread, who, At less than two years old he smoked 40 cigarettes a day.

The boy He became addicted to tobacco after his father gave him a cigarette. She was so concerned about the effects of smoking that her mother Diane asked the Government for help.

The boy was interviewed by ‘CNN’ in 2017 and assured that it was very difficult for him to quit smoking: “It was difficult for me to quit smoking. “If I don’t smoke, my taste in my mouth is bitter and my head gets dizzy.”

His mother explained to the Daily Mail in 2013 that when Ardi first stopped smoking, “he demanded a lot of toys. He started banging his head against the wall. “He was crazy and he would hurt himself if he didn’t get a cigarette.”

In addition, Diane assured that after quitting tobacco, the child’s overweight increased, since it generated a lot of anxiety and he ate compulsively: “In addition, “he ate junk food, he drank up to three jars of condensed milk a day.”

Ardi Rizal, a boy who smoked 40 cigarettes a day

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Now, at 15 years old, Rizal is at his normal weight and meets a diet with fish and vegetables. In addition, he wanted to send some messages of support to society to attest that it is very difficult to quit an addiction.
