This is how supporters of presidential candidates eat – Do you recognize yourself?

The food preferences of the supporters of the presidential candidates differ slightly.

Food delivery service foodora’s food barometer examined how the respondents’ favorite presidential candidate and political position are reflected in their food preferences.

Foodora’s food barometer, implemented in early December 2023, creates mental images of the supporters of the various presidential candidates. About a thousand respondents participated in the barometer.

Here are the results:

Pekka Haaviston for supporters, Indian food (27%) and vegetarian food (20%) are favorite foods. For example, Haavisto supporters don’t like Grilliruoka as much as others, especially Jussi Halla-ahon to supporters (32%).

Instead, favorite foods for Halla-aho supporters are burgers (33%), kebabs (20%) and especially pizza (48%). 10 percent of Halla-aho’s supporters eat pizza weekly and as many as 74 percent monthly. 8 percent eat burgers at least once a week. Only 6 percent declare salad as one of their favorite foods.

by Alexander Stubb according to the release, the voters are foodies. Although Stubb’s supporters eat a variety of everything, Stubb’s supporters emphasize their interest in Mediterranean food (23%) and salads (19%). What makes Stubb’s fanbase interesting is that they don’t like to eat Indian.

Jutta Urpilainen’s story supporters could be characterized as health fanatics, as they eat the most salad (27%) and soup (15%). In addition, Urpilainen’s supporters eat the third most grilled food compared to others.

Urpilainen’s supporters are also the second most diligent home cooks (60%). However, home cooking does not emerge as the most popular option Li Andersson’s and Harry Harkimon among supporters, even though home cooking is otherwise everyone else’s favorite food.

Andersson’s supporters are clearly the most urban crowd. 10 percent of them seem to like bowls and pokebowls. In addition, they like sushi (23%) and pasta (35%).

Olli Rehnin supporters, on the other hand, avoid Indian food, pasta and sushi, but eat more soup food compared to others.

Mika Aaltolan supporters rank among those who prefer burgers the most (39%) and declare that they also enjoy desserts and delicacies (24%). The release states that Aaltola’s supporters seem to have an American lifestyle in light of their eating habits, where feasting is part of the country’s customs. In the case of Aaltola, the result is indicative.

According to the food barometer, men enjoy emphatically more burgers, kebabs and pizza. As many as 10 percent of men reported eating pizza weekly. 62 percent of women do not eat kebabs at all, while the corresponding figure for men is 10 percent.

In addition, women feel that they eat healthier than men. 60 percent of women enjoy a healthy meal at least once a day, while the corresponding share of men is 52 percent.

Supporters of Halla-aho and Andersson use food delivery services the most.

As many as 31 percent of those who vote for Halla-aho use courier services every month, while the corresponding number of those who vote for Andersson is 29 percent.

At least use food delivery services Sari Essayahia vote, of which only 7 percent declare that they use the services regularly. The result of the essay is indicative.
