This is how single parents can save money

Monthly consumer spending of single parents

According to the 2018 data report by the Federal Statistical Office, single parents in Germany only have an average monthly budget of 967 euros per household member. Families with two adults, on the other hand, register an average of 1,175 euros per capita, i.e. around 200 euros more than single adults. According to the Federal Statistical Office, more than 20 percent of single parents have to make do with a monthly net income of less than 1,300 euros.

So how can single parents save sensibly without having to forego the fun or health of their children?

When eating: cook for yourself

First of all, expensive restaurant visits and food deliveries should be avoided as much as possible. Cooking yourself not only saves a lot of money, but is often much healthier than eating out in restaurants.

There are also a few things to keep in mind when shopping: When it comes to fruit and vegetables, it is advisable to use seasonal and regional products whenever possible. Fruits that are in season are comparatively much cheaper than out-of-season products. In addition, a lot of money can be saved by paying attention to and resorting to special offers. It is therefore advisable to plan the food for the entire week and to coordinate it with current offers in the supermarket. Buying cheap private labels and bulk packs also means less money is spent shopping. If you have your own garden, it is relatively easy to grow vegetables and fruit.

For clothes: flea market

The clothing factor also represents a significant proportion of monthly consumer spending. Especially in the case of children who are not yet fully grown, the clothes often only fit for one to two years and often have to be replaced. Flea markets offer a good opportunity to sell clothes that are still in good condition and to buy new clothes at reasonable prices. You can also find branded clothes at low prices on eBay or Vinted (formerly Vinted). It is also advisable to keep clothes for younger siblings or to swap between friends. Smaller holes in the clothes can also be patched without great craftsmanship.

Save money in your free time

When it comes to leisure activities, there are also numerous opportunities to do things together with the children at low cost. Walks in the forest, playgrounds, bathing lakes or libraries are completely free places where you can have adventures. Municipal swimming pools, museums or animal parks often only charge a small fee and are usually at least as attractive for children as expensive cinema visits. In addition, when getting around, public transport or bicycles should be the preferred choice; carpooling can also save on fuel costs and at the same time support the environment.

On vacation: holiday camps

Holidays are a luxury and are not in the budget of many households. But you can also save a lot of money on vacation. Many church organizations offer summer camps and recreational camps for children that offer adventure vacations at very reasonable prices. There are also many campsites where you can camp cheaply in summer. Joint hikes or excursions can also serve as a substitute for a holiday and are largely free of charge. Furthermore, care should always be taken to ensure that sufficient provisions and drinks are packed in order to avoid having to fall back on food from expensive rest stops or kiosks.

In the home: reduce energy consumption

Unnecessary energy costs can also be avoided with simple tips and tricks. On the one hand, it makes sense to switch to LED lamps, as they not only last longer, but also consume much less electricity. In addition, air conditioning systems should be avoided by closing the shutters and ventilating at night. Washing without a pre-wash, regularly defrosting the fridge or freezer and not using a dryer can also save significant energy costs. Care should also be taken to ensure that electronic devices are switched off completely and are not left on standby.

Pauline Breitner / Editor

Image sources: Syda Productions /


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