This is how Simo Salminen saved Vesa-Matti Loir’s life

Several serious incidents occurred during the filming of Vesa-Matti Loir’s films. Loiri himself tells about the most serious case in the LOIRI & Marjamäki podcast.

Uuno Turhapuro in the bread of the army was for a long time the most watched film in Finland. Since then, they even tried to artificially pump the movie “Bahat pojat” to be the most watched, Tuomas Marjamäki says in Iltalehti’s podcast. Loiri played Jouko Takkus, the father of Takkusten’s sons in the movie. IL-Archive

Vesa-Matti Loirin several serious accidents happened to his career during filming.

The most serious thing happened during the shooting of the movie Pohja tähteet in Lapland. It was a scene where the character played by Vesa-Matti Loir grabs a ski lift and travels in the lift hanging all the way to the top of the fell.

A fellow actor Simo Salminen had told Loir to tie himself to the ski lift with a mono strap in case he couldn’t hang onto the lift the whole way.

In the end, Salminen’s order could save Loir’s life. Loir’s strength really ran out in the middle of the journey and a stone quarry awaited below.

Vesa-Matti Loiri tells about the dramatic situation in his own words in Iltalehti’s LOIRI & Marjamäki podcast.

He believed that he experienced a similar feeling to being saved from drowning.

– That panic and then when you give up. It was insane peace, Loiri said.

The LOIRI & Marjamäki podcast contains previously unheard interview material of Loir, which the editor Tuomas Marjamäki has recorded.

– The scenes were not rehearsed and Vesku’s nature was such that he does it himself and nothing goes wrong for him, Marjamäki estimated.

In the fourth episode, in addition to several dangerous situations, Vesa-Matti Loir’s long film career is discussed in more detail.

The podcast is published in its entirety on the Iltalehti Plus service at the rate of two episodes per week. The fourth episode can be found here. All episodes can be found here.
