This is how Robert Helenius’s doping investigation is progressing behind the scenes

The Finnish Professional Boxing Federation wants the consequences to be in line with the British Federation.

Robert Helenius’ team has also been in contact with the Finnish Professional Boxing Federation. PDO

It came out about a week ago of Robert Helenius the doping suspicion goes on behind the scenes.

Secretary General of the Finnish Professional Boxing Association Jussi Niemonen says that the association has been in contact with every party involved in the case: Helenius and his team, the anti-doping agency Vada that did the test, and the British professional boxing association BBBofC (British Boxing Board of Control).

Helenius and Anthony Joshua the match between was supervised by the BBBofC.

– The purpose of the association is not to inform about the case at this stage. However, contact with various parties is continuous, and the process is progressing. Possibly Helenius himself will have something to announce in the near future, Niemonen opens.

However, the boxing boss’s message is strong.

– First of all, we do not accept doping violations of any kind, if they have occurred. In this sport, the health risks are real, so that’s why the importance of clean sports is really big.

– Secondly, the purpose of the association is to stand behind the athletes it licenses and to help if they ask for help. We do not judge anyone before their time. Regarding the case, we will surely hear from both the athlete and the medical and legal experts.

Helenius has denied that he used prohibited substances.

With Boxer’s Manager with Markus Sundman there was nothing new to comment on the case when Iltalehti reached him on Monday.

Two paths

So how is Helenius’s doping investigation progressing? In practice, there are two possible routes ahead, which can turn out to be very slow.

The BBBofC, which supervised the match, operates according to its own policies. In cases of boxers licensed by the British Federation, the investigation and processing is handled by the British anti-doping authority, UK Anti-Doping (Ukad).

The scenario is also possible now, even though Helenius is not a BBBofC licensed athlete.

– Ukad works like Suek (Ethical Center for Finnish Sports).

– Ukad has its own policies, which include, among other things, a hearing and conducting possible additional tests, Niemonen clarifies.

He brings up a professional boxer Conor Benn’s the doping investigation, which started with the same announcement from Vada as Helenius. The investigation, which lasted almost a year, is still ongoing, when Ukad complained On the acquittal decision of the National Anti-Doping Panel.

Robert Helenius faced Anthony Joshua in London. Two weeks later, Matchroom Boxing reported on Helenius’ doping suspicion. PDO

Another possible route is that Ukad’s share remains small. In that case, the BBBofC would make its own decision based on the information it received from Ukad and Vada, or would leave the decisions on Helenius’ release or sanctions entirely to the Finnish Professional Boxing Federation.

– Of course, the Finnish federation makes its own decisions about punishments, but the starting point is that they would not conflict with the recommendations of the British federation.

– I will not comment on the Helenius case, but I will say in general that some of the doping cases are very clear and some need further investigations.

Conspiracy theories

Yle Urheilu According to Helenius, an estrogen blocker, letrozole, was found in Helenius’ sample.

Niemonen does not comment on what Vada’s doping substance discovery contained.

Vada, the Voluntary Anti-Doping Association, is a private operator widely used, especially in professional boxing, from which you can buy doping testing services.

After Helenius’s breaking news, the wildest theories have spread on social media and discussion boards. There have been claims in the comments that the promotion Matchroom Boxing or Joshua’s team had set a trap for Helenius.

A similar theory was also floated by Helenius’ father Karl Helenius.

– People often come up with all kinds of theories. In general, you should approach them critically, assessing what kind of motives and benefits could be behind such theories, Niemonen responds to conspiracy theories.

Testing is a matter of money

In Finland, professional boxers are not tested outside of championship matches. The possibility is there, but the obstacle is the lack of resources.

– When there is no government funding for testing, outside of championship matches it is always a question of the promoter’s desire to organize testing.

– During this year as well, we are surveying the possibilities of how we could get better training season testing for professional boxing. Alternatives are finding a financing entity from the public or private side.

British boxer Conor Benn’s doping saga has continued for about a year. PDO
