This is how Queen Elizabeth was remembered in Helsinki

Queen Elizabeth’s memorial service was held on September 16.

The Queen is remembered in Helsinki Cathedral. People could write in the guestbook. Matti Matikainen

The steps of Helsinki Cathedral will be buzzing on Friday evening, September 16. At 7 p.m., the memorial service organized in honor of Queen Elizabeth has begun.

Those who came to the place queue up to write their names in the guest book. The choir will sing at the event, among other things Give rest, O Christ –with new words to the anthem and national anthem.

People from the embassies of many countries have also arrived there.

The British ambassador to Finland, Theresa Bubbear, has also arrived at the memorial service. He describes that Queen Elizabeth has always existed, as it were. Watching the Queen’s Christmas speeches has always been part of Bubbear’s tradition. She also reveals that she collected photos of the queen as a little girl.

– I had the great honor of meeting him five years ago. One word to describe her is radiant. A sparkling smile, sparkling eyes – she even had a large sparkling diamond brooch, Bubbear tells Iltalehte.

– He was very intelligent – so very. He was interested in everyone, had good questions and was a good listener.

– I have really good memories of him, says Bubbear.

The British ambassador to Finland, Theresa Bubbear, told Iltalehte her memories of the queen. Matti Matikainen

Karen Kajanne has arrived with his friend. He is visibly moved.

– I used to live in Windsor, so she (the Queen) was my neighbour. Actually like grandma. I met him at the shops a few times, Kajanne tells Iltalehte.

– I remember celebrating Jubilee since I was a child. This also feels like one of those – his last, Kajanne says.

Kajanne says that it is an honor to be there to remember the queen.

Karen Kajanne arrived to honor the late queen. He has lived next door to the queen. Matti Matikainen

Päivi Onttonen heard about the event from a friend and decided to participate. Onttonen says that he has always followed the queen’s life.

– He was born in the same year (1926) as my own mother. She lived a little longer, my mother died at 92. My mother had collected newspaper clippings about him, and it (interest) has already caught on from there, Onttonen says.

The queen brings good memories to Onttosen.

– I remember him as an unshakable rock that didn’t rush anywhere.

– He lived such a good and long life – that too has to end sometime. I want to honor his memory.

Päivi Onttonen’s mother and Queen Elizabeth were born in the same year. Onttonen has always followed the queen’s life. Matti Matikainen

Mikael Mikkonen arrived alone at the memorial service. He stumbled upon an announcement about the opportunity while sitting in the subway on his way to graduation.

He says that he followed the news after the queen’s death diligently.

– In a way, it can be said that Elizabeth was the queen of the whole world and yet the longest-reigning monarch. He left a great impression. She performed her duties in an exemplary manner – a woman of her word, says Mikkonen.

Mikkonen says that he is currently in the army. He has been following the Elisabet news with his roommate on his evenings off.

– I have to say that it does say something that so many people want to say goodbye, says Mikkonen.

That’s what he does today himself.

Mikael Mikkonen describes Elizabeth as the queen of the whole world. Matti Matikainen

People arrived at the church already after 6 p.m. Matti Matikainen

Theresa Bubbear gave the speech. Matti Matikainen

Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom died on Thursday, September 8. The Queen was 96 years old.

“The Queen died peacefully at Balmoral this afternoon. The King (formerly Prince Charles) and Queen Consort (formerly Duchess Camilla) will stay at Balmoral tonight and return to London tomorrow, the palace said.

Queen Elizabeth became monarch at the age of 25 in 1952. In October 2016, she became the world’s longest-reigning living monarch. In the summer of 2022, Elizabeth’s 70-year reign was spectacularly celebrated.

Elizabeth’s eldest son, Charles, inherited the throne and is now king. He was formerly known as the Prince of Wales.

Queen Elizabeth’s death has touched people around the world. PDO
