This is how Patrik Laine commented on the Tampere NHL game

Patrik Laine won the silver in the Finnish competition in Tampere on Friday night.

Patrik Laine was cautiously satisfied with Columbus’ performances on Friday. Jussi Eskola

– As his friend, I am of course happy for him. As a hockey player, not so much.

That’s what Patrik Laine said From Mikko Rantasewho “stole” the show in Tampere with a hat trick.

Of course, Laine also managed to score, and the audience certainly expected a hattu from him as well.

– I could have scored a few more goals, but it wasn’t enough today.

– The bad taste remained. Of course, zero points is not enough. However, that’s the only thing that matters in this series, Laine said about the 3-6 loss.

A strong rise from the break

Based on the opening set, Columbus should have had no problems handling the champion team, Colorado.

Most recently, when Rantanen stylishly nailed the numbers to 3-0 right at the beginning of the second period, the game should have been wrapped up.

But no matter what, when the spotlight was on, Laine stepped up again in the form of a goal and an assist.

– Now, however, we dared to play a little, and there was no pushing like recently, Laine said about his team’s performance.

Laine had a great opportunity to blow up the hall in the final set, when Columbus gained a four-minute advantage. However, this seam ended with Laine’s whipping ice cream.

– That hurts. The cooler came from both sides, and now it hit me.

I liked the posture

Laine also got a spot from a run-through in the final round, but the audience, who held their breath, didn’t get to celebrate even now.

Laine also found a positive in the loss, although Columbus’ dark fall continued.

– Of course, it’s great that we got a bit of a boost from the 7–1 loss in the previous match.

Despite the loss, Laine said that he thoroughly enjoyed the sights of his hometown.

– Yes, it was great. I would have thought more about it if they hadn’t received it well.

Columbus and Colorado meet again in Tampere on Saturday.
