This is how our politics court the terrorist clique

By Felix Rupprecht

The Palestinian Authority has been agitating against Jews and Israel for years and paying terror pensions to attackers. But the Palestinian representatives were supported and courted by German politicians.

Germany continually renews its commitment to supporting Israel as a reason of state. But in reality, German politicians have strengthened their partnership with Hamas-infiltrated Palestine far too often.

Journalist and Middle East expert Ahmad Mansour warns in BILD against weakening Israel: “If Israel does not show strength in the Middle East, then it will not survive. Hezbollah, IS, Hamas are waiting for this – all together.”

According to Mansour, until a few years ago German politicians also trivialized Hamas and spoke of “spirals of violence.” This does not recognize hatred of Jews as the cause of the Middle East conflict, but rather assigns mutual guilt and understanding.

German politics has repeatedly shown itself to be lenient towards Palestine on this issue and has actually bowed to its leaders.

BZ explains the cases!

June 23, 2016: EU Parliament head Martin Schulz admires Abbas after the anti-Semitism scandal

“Certain rabbis in Israel have very clearly called on their government to poison our water to kill Palestinians.”

In a speech to the EU Parliament, Mahmoud Abbas (87), President of the Palestinian Authority, spread the propaganda lie about Jews poisoning wells. The statement was a lie – Abbas himself admitted a little later that the accusation was false.

But:The anti-Semitic agitation received applause and support in Europe’s highest democratic body – including from the then President of the EU Parliament Martin Schulz (67, SPD).

Incredible: Schulz praised Abbas’s “inspirational speech” with reverence, while the “New York Times” spoke of “anti-Semitic allegations that led to the mass murder of Jews in the Middle Ages.”

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May 9, 2017: Steinmeier bows at Arafat’s grave

Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier (67) laid a wreath at the grave of Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat in Ramallah in May 2017. It was the first time that a German Federal President honored the head of the PLO (Palestinian Liberation Organization) in this way.

Arafat was a co-founder of the Palestinian terrorist organization Fatah, but renounced terrorism during the Oslo peace process in 1993.

August 16, 2022: Scholz lets Abbas put the Holocaust into perspective

In August, Mahmoud Abbas was a guest at the Federal Chancellery. He has ruled large parts of the Palestinian territory for 17 years since his election in 2005.

Abbas spoke of “50 massacres in 50 Palestinian villages and towns” that Israel is said to have committed “from 1947 to the present day.”

These are “50 massacres, 50 Holocausts”. An unbelievable trivialization of the German Nazis’ crime against humanity, in which six million Jews were murdered.

But Chancellor Olaf Scholz (65, SPD) and his spokesman Steffen Hebestreit did not object! Scholz extended his hand to Abbas in thanks – no further reaction.

When asked by BILD, a government spokeswoman said about the incident that the government spokesman had already ended the press conference before the Chancellor could “contradict this outrageous sentence.”

October 9, 2023: Germany rises up for victims of Israel’s “occupation.”

A minute’s silence was held at the UN Human Rights Council on Monday evening – not for Israeli civilians, but for Palestinian victims of the “decades of occupation”!

The German representative at the UN also took part and stood for a minute’s silence when Pakistan’s deputy representative, Zaman Mehdi, called for “the victims of the decades-long foreign occupation in the occupied Palestinian territories to be remembered.”

There was no mention of the Israelis murdered by Hamas.

Middle East expert Guido Steinberg from the Science and Politics Foundation told Handelsblatt that the terrorist organization Hamas, but also other actors, had the impression that “the West is weak.”

Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz will receive the Emir of Qatar in the Chancellery on Thursday. Qatar also financially supports Hamas, the Palestinian wing of the Muslim Brotherhood.

“I think the Chancellor should be very critical,” said Steinberg.
