This is how much women’s income has increased in the past 40 years

Women earn an average of almost 34,000 euros gross annually, in 1977 that was still almost 21,000 euros. This is apparent from a survey by Statistics Netherlands into the incomes of working men and women between 1977 and 2020, the results of which were announced today, on International Women’s Day.

More working women

Since 1977, the number of women with an income from work has increased by 1.8 million to 4.6 million in 2020. In 1977 there were 223 working men for every 100 working women, in 2020 this ratio has changed to 113 working men against 100 working women.

A lot of differences

Although these are all good figures for the financial development of women in the Netherlands, there are still many differences. For example, the income of working women in 2020 was on average more than 35 percent lower than the income of male colleagues: a consequence of working part-time. Three quarters of Dutch women work part-time, for men this is only a quarter, and the working week itself also has fewer hours for women. The working week of women lasts on average 26.2 hours, that of men 35.4 hours.

Hourly wage

But we are not there yet in terms of hourly wages: regardless of the shorter or longer working week, the average hourly wage of women is still less than that of men: a difference of 14 percent. However, the gap seems to be narrowing: in 2008 the difference in hourly wages between men and women was still 20 percent.

There is nothing more honest than a child’s opinion. This is what they said about the incomes of men and women:

Source: CBS
