This is how much Jare Tiihonen earned last year

Jare Tiihonen, who left his career as an artist years ago, made a big pocketbook last year.

Jare Tiihonen ended his career as Cheek in 2018. Jenni Gästgivar

Rap artist known as Cheek Jare Tiihonen recently left his career as an artist. Since then, he has worked as a background influencer in the music industry and made new territorial conquests.

Last year, Tiihonen earned 68,186 euros in earned income and 47,836 euros in capital income. In total, Tiihonen accumulated 116,023 euros in income. He received 3983 euros in tax refunds.

In 2020, Tiihonen earned 75,144 euros in earned income and 34,919 euros in capital income. He received 7,891 euros in tax refunds last year.

With new careers

This autumn, Tiihonen shared his current news on Mehiläinen’s Pääasia podcast. In recent years, he has appeared in public only rarely.

He said in the podcast that he is still involved in the music business through his own record company, as the “backbone” of a few artists. In addition to that, he said that he has implemented completely new types of work projects in recent years.

– I had one slightly more unpleasant project that lasted two years. I accidentally put myself in a construction project where I built three apartments. It was a bit more stressful (the project), but it’s over now, all is well. It’s behind us, and maybe we learned something from that too, Tiihonen said in the podcast.
