This is how Mitte’s mayor wants to protect the parks from summer riots

Binges, violent excesses, dozens of injured police officers. In the end, only the nightly closure of James Simon Park helped. No out-of-home sales of alcohol and a limited range of deckchairs should now prevent this.

Middle Mayor Stephan von Dassel (Greens) is concerned. In the meantime, alcohol consumption in green areas is no longer even prohibited under the Corona Ordinance.

“Now opinions are divided as to whether the Parks Act sets limits on alcohol instead,” says the Greens politician. “Whether it’s Mauerpark, Hasenheide or James-Simon-Park – we have to act uniformly in the districts. But I see little activity in the senate administration that takes the lead.”

Von Dassel demands a clear agreement as to when the police will intervene, what role the public order office will play and whether a private parking service will be used to address drinking park visitors at an early stage. Personally, he thinks a beer in the park is appropriate, but not two cases and a few bottles of vodka.

In the middle Mayor Stephan von Dassel (Greens) (Photo: Wolf Lux)
In the middle Mayor Stephan von Dassel (Greens) (Photo: Wolf Lux)

Last summer von Dassel became a member of the Instagram group “Berlin saufen”. “To be up to date.” Like the other 21,000 members.

also read

►So this is what the ban on staying in James Simon Park looks like…

►Party again in the Neuköllner Hasenheide – police clear the park

The mayor has already taken a number of measures to improve drinking hot spot No.1:

► No more out-of-home sales in the gastro establishments in the archways – recently there were park counters there for quick supplies.

► Deck chair offer – around 100 may be set up. “These are fewer than before, but legal and orderly,” said von Dassel. Drinks may also be served at them.

“Such a park ambience can counteract rioting,” von Dassel hopes. And that it won’t be that bad this summer, because the clubs will open again at the beginning of March with 2G-plus…
