This is how many times the same cooking oil can be used for deep frying

Many delicious foods are deep-fried in cooking oil.

French fries require frying to get deliciously crispy. Adobe Stock / AOP

French, Italian arancini balls or chips need to be deep-fried in cooking oil.

A quick visit of raw materials in hot oil raises the question of what condition the oil is in after heating and whether it can be used again.

The answer is: yes you can and it’s worth it! Several times.

Cool the oil after deep-frying, strain and store it, for example, in a glass jar.

The preservation of the oil is naturally affected by what you fry. If you deep-fry breaded ingredients, such as fresh arancini or chicken pieces, pieces of the breading will fall into the oil and before long they will affect its taste and color.

Remember not to pour oil down the drain. Adobe Stock / AOP

Cleaner raw materials, such as vegetable chips, keep the oil cleaner and more usable for longer.

You can tell by the feel of the button that the frying oil of the breaded raw materials can be reused two or three times. Frying oil for non-baked ones remains good for at least double the number of deep-frying times.

When it’s time to dispose of the oil, put it in the mixed waste in a tight, closed jar (e.g. a tightly taped juice or milk can is handy).

Never dispose of oil by pouring it down the drain.
