This is how Jenni Haukio reacted to Anna Sirkiä’s Linna suit, which was perceived as offensive

The camera captured the meeting between Mrs. Jenni Haukio and Anna Sirkiä.

Chairman of Central Women of Varsinais-Finland Anna Sirkiä asu Linna’s party has sparked a lot of discussion. Sirki dressed up in a golden dress and a white fur coat for the Independence Day celebrations.

Anna Sirkiä arrived at Linna’s party alongside her MP husband Mikko Kärnä. Mikko Huisko

Jenni Haukio, the wife of the President of the Republic, is known as an animal rights defender and an opponent of fur farms. Many felt that Sirkiä had deliberately spoiled the mistress of the evening with his choice of clothes.

– I thought that fur was provocative, one user writes on Twitter.

– Such a stupid deliberate provocation, another user says.

– Fur has always been part of a party outfit as a decoration, one Twitter user defended Sirkiä’s choice of outfit.

In the video, Haukio happily shakes hands with Sirkiä’s spouse, a member of parliament Mikko Kärnän. When it’s Sirkiä’s turn, Haukio looks him in the eyes at first, but turns his gaze elsewhere during the handshake.

In an interview with Iltalehti, Sirkiä assured that it was not his intention to insult Haukio.

– I wanted to take a stand for domestic fur production, not against Haukio. Fur production is still important and a way of life in rural areas, says Sirkiä.

– I don’t see that Haukio or I would start a fight over this. Everyone has the right to their opinions, and I have nothing against them, he continues.
