This is how it works even if you are overqualified with the job

Many things can be caught up on step by step in professional life. Inadequate qualifications, a lack of experience or a lack of teamwork, all of which can be acquired more or less easily over time. On the other hand, a qualification that is too high cannot simply be changed. For some it may mean a step backwards, but for others such a position can be a stroke of luck.

When are applicants and employees overqualified?

There can be various reasons why people apply for a job for which they are actually overqualified. For example, some people are not even aware that they are actually overqualified for this job, but are happy to have finally found a job.

In other cases, however, there may be completely different reasons why an applicant applies for a position for which he is actually overqualified. This is the case, for example, if the job advertisement is read or interpreted incorrectly.

In such cases, employers can sometimes create false images. Is the applicant already so desperate that he would do any job? Will he quit as soon as he finds a better job? Won’t the potential employee get bored with these tasks and become dissatisfied in the long run?

Employers could ask themselves these and many more questions in these cases.

Is it really bad to be too good?

From the company’s point of view, the above concerns are justified for the time being. Applicants then have to tackle these prejudices in order to show that they really want the job and are motivated.

If a situation arises in a job interview in which the HR manager says you are overqualified, that is a sign of a willingness to negotiate. If that were not the case, he could simply refuse and the topic would be off the table for him.

Now it is important to find out what the other party actually expects. The willingness to compromise is often helpful. One point could be to lower your salary expectations a bit. Five to ten percent should be the maximum here, as writes.

Applicants should also make it clear that this job is the absolute dream job. The argument to look for a position with less responsibility could also be helpful in some negotiations.

Take advantage of entry opportunities even if you are overqualified

As already mentioned, in some cases it can make sense to apply for a position in the company of your choice for which you are actually overqualified. Especially if the number of competitors for a certain profession is particularly high, young applicants with little experience should consider taking a job in order to then work their way up to their desired position. However, you should make sure that you also have real opportunities for advancement, otherwise this position could do more harm than good to your own CV.

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Image Sources: Lisa S. /
