This is how highway punctures steal

The highway robberss are one of the scourges of citizen security. They usually act against foreign tourists and strike out in different autonomous communities. Consequently, the action of justice against them is usually very difficult, unless they are caught red-handed or self-protective measures are taken.

Aware of this, the Mossos d’Esquadra often use social networks to warn, especially the touristsof the activity of these gangs, which have been operating for decades on the highways that pass through Catalonia.

In its latest warning message, the Catalan police include a video in which you can see perfectly how these bands act. In this case, they use the method of the ‘flat tire‘.

The method

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First, a thief determines who will be his victim, who in this case has parked at a highway rest area. The accomplice, aboard another car, parks next to the victim’s vehicle. The first offender draws the attention of the person against whom they are going to act under the pretext of an alleged puncture in a tire later. The victim, who is alone, gets out of the car, at which point she takes advantage of the accomplice to stealthily steal the belongings.

When the robbery is complete, and before the victim can react, they run away.
