This is how having a child affected the relationship between Roni Bäck and Airi-beloved

Favorite tube player Roni Bäck tells in the BackPodcast how fatherhood has changed his life and relationship.

Roni Bäck reflects on his fatherhood in his and his brother’s podcast. Kimi Jaakkola

One of the most popular tube players in Finland Roni Back, 30, has been a father for a year. Bäck ponders on the BackPodcasthow his life has changed with fatherhood.

Tubettaja tells, among other things, how parenting affected him and the ex-badminton player Airi Bäckin to the relationship.

– Airi and I decided to go to therapy almost as soon as we knew we were going to have a child. We knew it would be such a big life change. And the fact is that many couples divorce after having a child, because it’s so hard, Bäck opens in the episode.

Roni and Airi Bäck had decided to go to therapy when they found out about the baby’s result. Pete Anikari

Bäck states during the episode that going to therapy about every two weeks helped them deal with both their own disputes and the challenges of the baby year. He feels that they survived the baby year as winners.

– The baby year is one that scares people. It will always be tough and there will be many stages. We ourselves came into that year with the attitude that this was going to be tough. And luckily we were ready for that, says Bäck.

In addition, Bäck heard a lesson in therapy that changed his world of thought.

– My therapist said so cleverly: “You are now starting the second third of your life. The first third has already been played, and the second third will not be the same”. It somehow made my head click, he says.

Bäck emphasizes that you shouldn’t look back when you get older. It has to be accepted that when you get older, you shouldn’t try to live the party life of, for example, a 22-year-old.

Roni and Airi got married in the summer of 2023. The couple recently spent their honeymoon in the Canary Islands, and their child was also on the trip.

Roni Bäck is grateful that she and Airi were able to deal with their issues in therapy. Pete Anikari
