This is how furious Russian soldier completely settles with Russian army: he films how he tears his passport and flushes the toilet | Abroad

Pavel Filatyev (34) already embarrassed the Russian army with his war diary in which he stated that Russia had no right to invade Ukraine. Now he is stirring things up again by going one step further. In a remarkable video, he tears up his Russian documents and flushes them down the toilet. Filatyev hopes to build a new life in the West.


Sep 1 2022

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And the new episode in his life apparently started in a toilet in the Paris Charles de Gaulle airport. In front of the running camera, he tears up all his Russian documents and throws them into the toilet, after which they are flushed. It is a symbolic break with his hometown: Filatyev will not be able to return to Russia as long as Vladimir Putin is in charge.


You want to make yourself useful to your country, you love your country, but then you have a government in your country that doesn’t give a damn

Pavel Filatyev

Moreover, his Russian patriotism has been completely wiped out by the war in Ukraine. “You want to make yourself useful to your country, you love your country, but then you have a government in your country that doesn’t give a damn about that,” he explains.

Pavel Filatyev (34) throws his documents into the toilet. © RV

141 page story

The paratrooper published his 141-page account on the social network Vkontakte in early August. According to him, the Russian army is in a dilapidated state and lacks professionalism. According to him, only ten percent of the soldiers support the war. “I’m not afraid to fight in a war, but we Russians don’t feel right now that what we’re doing is right,” he said. Filatyev refused to be part of this madness any longer.

When it became clear that he risked fifteen years in prison, he went abroad after a ramble through Russia. He has since applied for asylum in France.

If he is granted refugee status, Filatyev wants to take action “to make sure this war ends”. He “wants as few young Russian men as possible to go there”. And he’s clearly already started that.

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