This is how Finns have heard familiar hits wrong

Many national treasures of Finnish music have been twisted into a new faith in the listener’s ear.

Nylon Beat made numerous hits. Many of them were also misheard. Eriika Ahopelto

When you learn something in a certain way, it’s hard to let go of what you’ve learned. This also applies to song lyrics. Many may have nursed the hit with the wrong words for years.

Iltalehti readers revealed which songs they have always heard wrong.

“A child sings a Christmas carol heard on the radio: “You can’t cry, you can’t have toys, war is much nicer, Santa Claus is already on his way!” Probably Putin’s Christmas carol…”

Christmas wall

“You can probably put this down to ignorance at the time, but when I was younger, when I didn’t know English that well, I thought the Russian band TATu sang “You’re the best” instead of All About Us in their song. Many times I sang the chorus with these words, until my father corrected me that this is not the way to sing in the song – maybe it got in the way of my daily care.”


“Kaija Koo I drove all night, I’ve heard “I drank all night.”


There is plenty to remember in Kaija Koo’s hit repertoire. Roni Lehti

“Badding’s gas in his veins. That is, I wink to the left and it rains to the right, OH BABY SEEN just let it go. For years I sang like this and my brother said that’s not the way to sing. I had wondered about the words, but I thought that the car is as dear to him as his own child.”


“That song from the Miss Suomi competition: Who is the most beautiful of the maidens, the sweetest girl? The woman who makes you sigh at night. I had always heard “we eat food in the evenings” I have been singing this song until I was 40 until…”


“Bailando-“Bailando, bailando, amigos up yours, look for the lottery now!”


“I thought for years that the Huomenta Suomi song sings “gentlemen in Helsinki are sobbing under the stage”, before the correct lyrics opened up.”


“From day to day, restless Cinderella turns herself into a vampire. This is how my son sang Dingo’s Restless Cinderella when he was 6 years old (now 32 years old).


“Juha Tapio’s famous hit: “I like snow so much that I crack up”. Really… that I crack up.”


Juha Tapio’s super hit is not really as naughty as the listener has heard it. JOHN PALMEN

“A long time ago, I heard the chorus of Nylon Beat’s Anna mulle song, “Give me your car, are you mine?” This still amuses and embarrasses me, because I also sang that song several times with those lyrics and I’m sure many people heard it then. “


Phone cables are singing. I misheard the words when I was little. “He lodges behind the hay barn and tastes his mistress”. Actually, in the song, they sing “Eväitainsa.”

Darken up

“From Ressu Redford’s Kuka on se righta song, a clip “All streets are long and straight, so many offer only shells” ran as an advertisement. I really wondered how this kind of advertisement is shown during the waking hours of children. Years later, it dawned on me that the word shells didn’t even begin with the letter h.”


“Nylon Beat: Teflon love. I wondered for a long time why they keep repeating: “peffalan”, when really it goes “Teflon love…”


Mikko Kuustonen’s Angels fly into your dreams sounds just like “Angels fly into your oven and make you a goat.”


Many versions of the lyrics of Mikko Kuustonen’s hit have been heard. MIKKO HUISKO
