This is how Esapekka Lappi prepares for the second day of the Finnish World Rally Championship

Esapekka Lappi has a tough time waiting for him on Saturday.

Esapekka Lappi was the seventh fastest in the first stage of the Finnish World Rally Championship. PDO

Toyota’s Esapekka Lappi opened the Finnish World Rally Championship with the seventh best time at the legendary Harju city special stage.

Say goodbye to Hyundai, which drove the bottoms to Thierry Neuville accumulated 3.8 seconds, i.e. more than a second per kilometer. However, Lappi said that he took the Kimurant audience clip with caution. On Friday, the actual rally starts, when there are nine fast races in the program.

– The clip was a little longer and kinkier than before. There was one nasty place, like a really narrow welt or whatever. It felt a bit annoying when the note car had the feeling that it couldn’t even fit through. It was undeniably easier with the rally car, Lappi told Iltalehte.

The drivers waited all day for Thursday night’s public stage after the morning special test.

– It allows you to wake yourself up a bit after the afternoon, and when you’re still eating dinner, it starts to get really tiring. It’s not the most optimal situation, but whenever you get to drive, it’s cool. Lappi said.

On Friday morning, the drivers have an early wake-up call. What kind of breakfast does Pieksämäki’s rally ace want to get in the mood?

– We should probably say, as it used to be, that we’re going with the bare bones, Lappi let out a laugh, accompanied by a remaka.

Whatever the breakfast, there will be a new and an old special test on Friday.

– Laukaa will be familiar to everyone tomorrow, but Lankamaa has been driven this way for the last nine years, and anyway, it hasn’t been allowed there very often lately. There will definitely be differences, Lappi felt.

Lapland also has bad memories of the familiar and safe Friday morning opening from Laukaa, when in the 2018 season the Finnish World Rally Championship ended with the outing at the same time on Sunday morning.

– I don’t know what it is, but that place seems much easier these days. I don’t know if those ditches have been redone or what, but it doesn’t look like a place anymore. I feel like it can be really hard to go through, and that’s how I went, for example, last year. I don’t know what happened there then in 2018, Lappi wondered.
