This is how Drenthe voted in the 2021 House of Representatives elections

On Wednesday, every eligible voter can once again indicate who should represent him or her in the House of Representatives for the next four years. But how did Drenthe actually vote two years ago?

The political playing field has changed considerably in two years. The BoerBoerBurgerBeweging was only a modest party in 2021 and the New Social Contract had not yet seen the light of day. In the 2021 elections, the VVD became by far the largest. More than 64,000 people from Drenthe chose this party. The VVD thus won 20.4 percent of the votes.

Although considerably less, D66 also managed to win over a significant portion of Drenthe voters, with 40,244 votes (12.7 percent). The PVV followed closely behind with 39,270 votes (12.4 percent).

The BBB became the second smallest in Drenthe and received just over 7,000 votes. JA21 received about 6,700 votes. The Provincial Council elections showed a completely different picture two years later, with the BBB becoming the largest with more than 88,000 votes (33.4 percent). No other party received more than 10 percent of the votes in the recent State elections.

The turnout in the House of Representatives elections in Drenthe was more than 80 percent. That was slightly higher than the national average of 78.7 percent. At 75 percent, turnout in the municipality of Emmen was the lowest in our province, followed by the municipality of Hoogeveen (78 percent). Most people went to vote in Tynaarlo. There, 85 percent of residents completed a ballot.

On the map below you can view the results per municipality from 2021. Enter the name of a municipality to see an overview with percentages.
