This is how Drenthe celebrates Liberation Day: Festival in Assen about to start

Singer Jason Staal from Assen has been busy all morning as coordinator at the Liberation Festival in Assen. In between all the activities, he also has to go on stage. “I’m especially looking forward to it. Nice man, such a stage, such a field. How can you not feel like it?”

Staal calls his team a well-oiled machine when he talks about the projects he is responsible for today in Assen. He can therefore work towards his performance without any worries. He only plays songs from his new album. “And we made a special song for the festival, with Rosa da Silva,” says Staal. The song is called ‘Make your moment’. The listener is invited to tell his or her own story.

“The sense of silence only makes sense if after the silence there is room for sound”, Staal explains a sentence from the song. “Keep telling, make your moment. Keep telling your story and that’s who you are.”
