This is how cunningly your money can be taken – “A new trick has been invented again”

The Cyber ​​Security Center reminds you of a rule of thumb that you can use to keep your bank account safe from even the latest scammers.

The Cybersecurity Center states in its weekly review that scammers intimidate their victims with data breaches and leaks, where the victim’s information would have ended up in the hands of the criminals.

– Dear customer, We have to inform you that on January 19, 2024 there was a data leak, begins a scam message written by a criminal.

The messages come via e-mail, and they are said to have been sent from thousands of different addresses. In some, the word combination “OP Turvallisuus” or similar is mentioned as the sender.

Your bank account can be emptied

The message urges you to act quickly and click on the link in it. The link is said to lead to a site that looks like a bank login page and has nothing to do with banks.

– An observant recipient can distinguish a fake message from a genuine one. However, in a hurry and on the small screen of a mobile device, the difference is not always noticeable, says the Cyber ​​Security Center.

If you log into a fake website with your bank credentials, the credentials end up in the possession of criminals, and the end result may be the bank account being emptied.

“It’s all a big scam”

According to the Cybersecurity Center, the credibility of the message is increased by the fact that the criminals have invented their scam from a genuine case.

– In December, there was news about a data breach in which a bank employee’s email account was hacked and customers’ personal data may have been compromised.

In the case that made headlines, however, the money and credentials were safe, and all victims involved have since been contacted, the Cybersecurity Center reports.

– In this case too, everything is a big scam, even though the scammer has come up with a new trick again.

In its weekly overview, the Cybersecurity Center reminds us of a rule of thumb that can be used to protect yourself from this scam as well.

– Never trust the link that came with the message, and especially don’t do business in the banking service through such a link.

Source: Cyber ​​Security Center
