This is how Brussels proposes to reduce gas consumption

Heating at 19ºC: this is how Brussels proposes to reduce gas consumption

Months ago the possibility of having to spend next winter without gas from Russia and having to ration the energy we consume ceased to be a mere hypothesis in the European Union. And, in recent weeks, the signs that this outcome could be closer than many European leaders thought, have multiplied. Given this scenario, the European Comission last one emergency plan With which reduce gas demand in the EU from this summer in a coordinated way.

Among the measures proposed as of October is lowering the thermostat in public buildings, offices and shopping centers to 19º to reduce electricity consumption, financial compensation for companies that reduce consumption and auctions to encourage a reduction among industrial consumers as well such as the use of alternative sources to gas.

The objective of the new contingency plan, baptized with the title “Save gas for a safe winter” and that the European Commission will present on Wednesday 20 July, is to prepare Europe to new interruptions in supply and even to a total cut in the flow coming from Russia. A real risk given the gradual reduction of imports and Moscow’s use of this energy as political weapon. Until last year, Russia sent 40% of the gas consumed by the EU. The current flow has fallen to less than 30% of the average received between 2016 and 2021 and even to 20% in the month of June.

Partly due to the diversification of supply, due to the increase in imports of liquefied natural gas, but also for the “sudden, unjustified and unilateral” measures & rdquor; adopted by the Russian monopoly, denounces the Community Executive that says “there are no reasons to think that this pattern is going to change.” According to a study by the thinktank Bruegel, published last week, if Moscow decides to block all its gas shipments, the European Union will have no choice but to reduce its demand over the next ten months by 15% because liquefied natural gas imports have reached their limit.

Underground deposits, insufficient

Not all countries would suffer the same but the EU would have no choice but to activate all its resources because with the obligation to fill the underground tanks to 80% before the next winter begins -and in the event of a total cut-off this percentage would be impossible to achieve – would not be enough. “Regardless of a near-term outright shutdown, early joint action at EU level at this critical time in the reservoir-filling process will reduce the need for a potentially more painful reduction in demand later in the winter, in the event of interruption of flows from Russia & rdquor ;, maintains the Commission, which insists that “the energy that is saved in summer is energy that can be used in winter & rdquor ;. In fact, acting now “could reduce the impact of a sudden cut in supply by a third & rdquor;

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The plan, to which EL PERIÓDICO has had access, advocates putting regulatory interventions and savings incentives since this summer, in a coordinated and joint manner, because “the greater the reduction via voluntary actions, the less need there will be for the industry to ration in the future”. Brussels is committed to reducing the electricity consumption of air conditioning and refrigeration systems and during the winter – from October to March – using alternative sources of heating, such as heat pumps in buildings or with awareness campaigns, to lower the temperature of homes but also obliging, when technically and legally possible, to place the thermostat in public buildings, offices and shopping centers at 19º.

Before reaching more drastic gas rationing measures among non-priority consumers – the plan establishes criteria to define them – Brussels also suggests the use of alternative fuel sources and auctions to encourage a reduction in the consumption of industrial consumers, allowing industries offer reductions in gas consumption in exchange for compensation. Brussels also suggests the possibility of using fossil fuels other than gas, including coal, as long as they are temporary and do not compromise climate goals.
