This is how Brabant experiences the last day of Carnival: full of love, sweet and burning

The last day of Carnival was again a festive day in our province. Even today, on Carnival Tuesday, thousands of carnival goers joined in the festivities until the early hours. Below is a selection of all events in Brabant.

A bittersweet and creamy end to the Fijnfisjenie Café

burn it
In Eendenland (Boxtel) the duck was traditionally lit around five o’clock in the afternoon to end the carnival. And the fire also broke out in Ossekoprijk a few hours later. There an ox was set on fire to say goodbye to the festival of festivals.

The carnival in Ossekoprijk ends with the burning of the ox (photo: EYE4images).
The carnival in Ossekoprijk ends with the burning of the ox (photo: EYE4images).

The duck burning that concludes carnival in Indeland (photo: EYE4images).
The duck burning that concludes carnival in Indeland (photo: EYE4images).

2,500 euros in unpaid bills after a power outage
A number of catering entrepreneurs in Oss were left with significant expenses after Sunday evening’s power outage. Cash register systems failed, meaning people could no longer pay for their beer and food, even though it was very busy after the carnival parade. The catering entrepreneurs hope that people will still come and pay their receipts.

Nick Vink with some of the unpaid bills (photo: Imke van de Laar).
Nick Vink with some of the unpaid bills (photo: Imke van de Laar).

Peasant wedding couple
Jeanette Lochten and Antoon Kokx got married at Connie’s Cafe in Aopelaand (Rijsbergen) on Tuesday afternoon. The bride and groom had a day they will never forget.

Parade Peejenlaand
It is a small village, but Peejenland has a rich carnival history and an equally large parade with impressive floats.

Impressive floats in the big parade of Peejenland (photo: EYE4images).
Impressive floats in the big parade of Peejenland (photo: EYE4images).

It was busy during the big parade in Peejenland (Hoeven)(photo: EYE4images).
It was busy during the big parade in Peejenland (Hoeven)(photo: EYE4images).

Krabbegat parade
The parade in Krabbegat (Bergen op Zoom) was again a feast for the eyes. Watch the highlights here:

Emigrating prince
A farewell party was organized on Tuesday afternoon for Prince ‘Jaap Dun Erste’ from Kuussegat (Veghel). Jaap van Herwaarden, as he is actually called, will emigrate to Spain with his girlfriend at the end of this year. The prince was completely surprised by the farewell. He has no plans to give up carnival. “We have already agreed that we will fly back home every year especially for Carnival,” he told Roeptoetgat reporter Raymond.

Photo: Omroep Brabant.
Photo: Omroep Brabant.

Photo: Omroep Brabant.
Photo: Omroep Brabant.

Beer tapping competition with obstacles
A well-attended tapping competition was organized in café De Bel in Striepersgat (Valkenswaard). In composite duos, the participants competed to take home the shiny trophy and eternal fame.

Carnival floats demolished
A number of beautiful carnival floats were demolished in Moesland (Schaijk) on Tuesday afternoon. A bulldozer carried out the demolition expertly according to tradition, saw Roeptoetgat reporter Noël.

Jar city in Choir
Back to yesterday. At exactly eleven past eight, the Kruikenstad choir sing-along spectacle took off in Kruikenstad (Tilburg). Check out the highlights you shouldn’t miss here:
