This is going to happen with the defective bridge at the Balijbos

A defective bridge has been standing on the footpath between the Balijbrug and the Kurkhout in Rokkeveen for months. The railings are bent and there is a red and white warning tape hanging in front of them. What happened to that bridge and is it still being repaired?

A tree fell on the railing of the bridge during a major storm. As a result, the railing went completely out of shape. Usually defects are quickly dealt with by the municipality, but with this bridge it is just a bit different.

The dividing line is exactly at that point

The municipality is aware that the bridge needs to be repaired, a spokesperson said. It turns out that the fallen tree was in the possession of Staatsbosbeheer. They also ensured that the tree was removed after the storm. Only the bridge is owned by the municipality of Zoetermeer. The dividing line of landowners is exactly on that point. This means that Staatsbosbeheer also has to pay for the repair work on the bridge.

Less complicated

The official responsible for the Zoetermeer bridges has been trying for some time to get in touch with the right person at Staatsbosbeheer. That contact now seems to have been made, so that the bridge can be repaired. The repair will in any case take place after the summer. Had the tree fallen from the side of our municipality, this would have been less complicated and the bridge would probably have been repaired earlier.

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