This is Christmas baby Maceo: ‘The most beautiful present we can get’

Christmas baby Maceo Martha was born on Christmas Day at three o’clock at night in the Elisabeth TweeSteden Hospital in Tilburg. Mother and baby are doing well and so is dad. As far as we know, Maceo is the first Brabant Christmas baby of this year.

Baby Maceo was supposed to be born on December 24, but he waited a day and gave his parents the best Christmas present they could get. “It’s very special to have a baby at Christmas,” says dad Michael. “They think so here too, because it is the first Christmas child in the hospital.” Mom Kimberly adds approvingly. “I also like that they make it special in the hospital with a Santa hat and a nice set of clothes.”

Maceo is a small beautiful man with a full head of dark hair. Only a few hours old, he is wearing a red Christmas suit and a knitted red hat with a white brim and a white pompom. He already has his eyes open, but otherwise lies quietly in mommy’s and sometimes daddy’s arms.

“At first I thought it was a bit sad, but it is extra special”

Both think it is very special to have a baby at Christmas. “At first I felt a little bad for him,” says Mom. “Because it is so double. At Christmas there are already presents and then you celebrate it twice, I thought it was sad. But now I see that it is extra special and I think it is very nice.”

The young family can go home again on Monday afternoon, but there won’t be much more of celebrating Christmas. “We keep it nice and quiet,” says mom. “I only slept for an hour and a half last night. We’re just going to rest, maybe we’ll do something fun tomorrow, I don’t know.”

“We’re going to sleep at home this afternoon. It was a long night.”

“We thought he would come on the 24th, because it had been rumbling for a while, but he just didn’t make it. This afternoon I will go to sleep at home. Dad also hopes to be able to close his eyes for a while. It was a long night.” Mother adds: “We are very tired, but it is all worth it. It is the most beautiful Christmas present we could imagine.”

the new parents with baby Maceo
the new parents with baby Maceo

And another Christmas baby has now been born. Sofie Loos was born on Christmas Day at 3.40 pm in the Bravis Hospital in Bergen op Zoom. Her parents Jessica and Marco proudly shared her photo with us.

Christmas baby Sofie
Christmas baby Sofie
