This is all known about King Charles’ cancer

Buckingham Palace announced on Monday about King Charles’ cancer.

In the picture, King Charles is leaving the hospital after a prostate procedure. Stephen Lock

Buckingham Palace announced on Monday, February 5 that King Charles has been diagnosed with cancer. The court’s press release stated that the cancer was discovered in connection with the treatment of the king’s enlarged prostate.

– His majesty has decided to share his diagnosis to prevent speculation. He hopes that telling about cancer will help give understanding to all cancer patients around the world, the release states.

Charles has told his children about his cancer, Prince to William and the prince For Harry.

Charles performs his duties to the best of his ability

Charles’ royal duties will be moved as needed. Part will be transferred to Prince William.

– His majesty will continue his state duties and responsibilities as head of state, as well as his official paperwork, the court told Reuters.

Thus, according to the court, Charles will also continue his meetings with Prime Minister Rishi Sunak for the time being. His wife, Queen Camilla, continues with her own duties.

Buckingham Palace announced on Monday that Charles remained positive despite the cancer news.

Charles has only been in power for about 18 months. Charles, 75, became king in September 2022 after the death of his mother, Queen Elizabeth. The palace says Charles expects to return to his duties full-time as soon as possible.

The palace does not say what kind of cancer Charles has

So far, the court has not said what kind of cancer King Charles has. However, cancer treatments have already started. According to Palats, it is not prostate cancer. In January, Charles had to undergo a medical procedure due to an enlarged prostate.

The story continues after the picture.

Prince William of Wales was supposed to reduce his work duties to support his wife after her operation. Pool

A tough spot for William

Prince William of Wales acts as his father’s assistant when the king himself is unable to hold office. Expert Sanna-Mari Hovin according to Prince William, the pressures are increasing, as Charles’s most important work tasks will be transferred to him. William’s consort, the princess Catherine had surgery on January 17th. Hovi has informed that he will return to his representative duties after Easter.

Catherine was treated in the same hospital as King Charles.

Prince Harry will travel to Great Britain in the next few days

Prince Harry will travel to London to meet his father, Harry’s close friend told the Reuters news agency. The BBC also reported on the topic.

An inside source told Reuters that Prince Harry has discussed cancer with his father.

The story continues after the picture.

According to Reuters, Prince Harry has discussed his cancer with his father. I-Images

World leaders are sending their support

The British government and other heads of state immediately showed their support for the cancer-stricken king.

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak quickly took a stand on the unpleasant news.

– I wish his majesty a speedy recovery. I have no doubt that he will be back to full strength in no time. I know that the whole country wishes him nothing but good, Sunak wrote immediately after the news.

US President Joe Biden has also commented on the diagnosis. Biden says he’s worried about Charles and plans to call the king in the coming days.

Ex-president Donald Trump wrote laudatory comments about Charles on the Truth Social platform.

– King Charles is a wonderful man who I got to know well during my presidency. Let’s pray for her speedy and full recovery, Trump wrote.
