This free tool makes it easy to change video background

Tools for removing backgrounds from images have multiplied in recent years. We were talking to you in particular about, Background Eraser , ZapBG or Trace. Free or freemium tools that allow you to remove the background from a video are, on the other hand, rarer.

To present a project or a product, it is sometimes necessary to make a video. To make it look professional, the background of the content should be changed. However, this is not necessarily an easy task when you have no video editing skills. Fortunately, there are now websites like SocialBook Video Background Remover, which allow you to do it in a few clicks.

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Remove or change a background quickly

SocialBook Video Background Remover, is a tool to change the background of a video for free and simply. All you have to do is download one from your computer, or copy and paste the link if it is online. The only requirements are that it be 200 MB maximum and that a person is on the video, and not an object or an animal. The tool will not be able to detect their presence and will not be able to offer an optimal rendering. Once its content is chosen, click on the “Preview” button for SocialBook Video Background Remover to remove its background.

For users looking for something sober, the tool offers a large color palette to create a plain background: red, blue, green, yellow, black… In case they want to use a color in line with visual identity of their company, just use the color chart.

SocialBook Video Background Remover also offers the possibility to put a photo in the background. Several illustrations are offered, such as landscapes and images of contemporary paintings. However, the user can use the photo search tool provided or download one from his computer, such as his company logo.

For an interactive background, it is possible to use a video. Again, SocialBook Video Background Remover suggests some such as mountains or space. The user can search for others using the search functionality, or upload the one of his choice.

Finally, just click on “Download” to get its content. It is free to download in gif format. For mp4 format, registration is required.


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