This free tool allows you to collect customer reviews in the form of short videos

Collecting customer feedback is essential to improve your offer and better meet the needs of buyers. Milk Video is a platform that allows you to simply obtain consumer opinions, but in the form of a video. Just send them a link.

Get individual answers in just a few clicks

An e-mail and some information about his position are enough to access Milk Video. On the platform, click on the “Create Recording Form” button to start the process. The name of the survey is requested. It should reflect the subject of it. For example, it can be called “Lipstick Product Feedback” if you are a beauty brand, or “Platform Test Result” if you operate in marketing. It is then necessary to choose the template called “Customer testimonial”.

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illustration milk videoillustration milk video

It is enough to send a link to its customers so that they record their video. Illustration: Milk Video.

illustration milk videoillustration milk video

Videos can be exported easily. Illustration: Milk Video.

During the second step, you have to write the question to which the consumer will answer. It is possible to ask if the solution tested is ergonomic, if the texture of the product was pleasant or if the customer journey was easy to understand. These are elements that will improve its offer. Finally, you have to copy/paste the link and send it to the consumers concerned. They will only have to click on it to save their answer. The video is sent after pressing “Review and submit”, and providing some basic information such as its name.

All recorded videos then appear on the Milk Video platform. They are automatically transcribed by the tool. Note that this feature can also be used to transcribe a webinar or podcast.

Videos are fully customizable. It is possible to add your logo, subtitles, color banners. Milk Video even offers the possibility of cutting the recordings into several parts in order to keep only those that interest us the most. It can be interesting to make a compilation of the moments when users explain why they like a product, and to publish it on social networks or its platform.

Milk Video is also useful in other use cases, for example to collect the opinion of its collaborators on a project, or to obtain the point of view of several professionals on a subject.
