This free extension allows you to purify and customize your Twitter interface

When using Twitter on desktop, many features are offered: trends, tweets from people followed, tweets and suggested accounts… For some Internet users, the social network interface is too cluttered and it is sometimes difficult to navigate. find there. For this reason, Thomas Wang created Minimal Theme for Twittera tool that offers the possibility of customizing the interface of the social network by removing certain elements.

Lots of customization items

Minimal Theme for Twitter is an open source extension available on Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Microsoft Edge. It allows you to choose which functionalities a user wishes to see appear on his interface. To do this, just click on the extension icon in the toolbar. A window then appears offering to modify the appearance of his Twitter news feed. It is possible to enlarge or reduce it using a slider, ranging from 600px to 800px. The appearance of the feed can also be changed, with the tool rounding the edges.

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Minimal Theme for Twitter offers the ability to sort what the user wants to appear in their newsfeed. He has the choice to delete sponsored tweets, suggestions of accounts or topics to follow and hide the number of likes and retweets. He can also choose whether he wants the latest tweets posted to appear automatically or not.

It is even possible to clean up the well-stocked sidebar of the social network. The extension proposes to remove the navigation elements that it does not use among these: explore, messages, bookmarks and lists. It is also possible to leave only the icons and to center them.

Navigation is then simpler, ergonomic and adapted, in particular, because Minimal Theme for Twitter removes the “Trends for you” and “Suggestions” tabs by default. If the Internet user would like to have only the option to publish tweets, he can activate the Zen mode. Its feed and sidebar will completely disappear.

Minimal Theme for Twitter transforms the use of the platform for many users, sometimes finding it too complicated and cluttered. This free extension appears essential today to optimize the use of the social network.


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