This Father’s Day tally is just rubbish

View of Volkspark Friedrichshain after

View of Volkspark Friedrichshain after “Father’s Day” parties on Thursday evening Photo: Aniela Wudkiewicz

From the BZ editorial team

On the night of Friday, the “Father’s Day” parties in the Volkspark Friedrichshain escalated – there was also violence. The day after, one thing was left behind in particular: a lot of rubbish.

At the celebrations of numerous young people and young adults, there were repeated arguments among the revelers. Residents also complained that the music was way too loud.

The police finally cleared the area. Bottles were also thrown at the emergency services. It was finally quiet around 11:30 p.m.

Garbage as far as the eye can see after the Father's Day parties in Volkspark Friedrichshain

Garbage as far as the eye can see after the Father’s Day parties in Volkspark Friedrichshain Photo: Aniela Wudkiewicz

BZ reader Aniela Wudkiewicz sent photos from the park on Friday morning. The day after, they show what the revelers left behind.

The rest of the party: The park is full of rubbish

The rest of the party: The park is full of rubbish Photo: Aniela Wudkiewicz

There are shards and broken bottles everywhere. “You really shouldn’t go into these meadows with children,” she writes: “If they fall down there, you can go straight to the hospital around the corner.”

Dangerous: Everything is full of shards in the Volkspark Friedrichshain after the Father's Day parties

Dangerous: everything is full of shards in the Volkspark Friedrichshain after the Father’s Day parties Photo: Aniela Wudkiewicz

The returnable bottles have already been collected, everything else is still lying all over the lawn: The sight, as the BZ reader describes it: “just sad”.


Currently Berlin police garbage garbage in Berlin Father’s Day Volkspark Friedrichshain
