This fantastic air cushion park opens and you can win tickets nearby

Do you want to jump your legs? That’s possible, because Bounce Valley opens on King’s Day (Wednesday 27 April). A jumping paradise for adults and children. And really cool: we’re giving away free tickets!

Bounce Valley is an air cushion park full of obstacles and obstacles where you can lose your energy after, for example, a day’s work. Air cushions are contiguous against each other so that you can jump non-stop. Each branch of Bounce Valley has a unique element: in Zoetermeer this is the Jump Tower. “The big question there is whether you dare to step over the edge, after which you land a lot lower in our soft airbag,” says marketing manager Micha Reij.

We’re giving this away

In collaboration with Bounce Valley we are giving away 5 x four Night Deal cards. This means that you can bounce for free for an hour with three friends or family members (from 16 years old) after 6 p.m. A pair of special jumping socks are included in the price. That will be an hour of laughing, screaming, roaring.

What do I have to do to win?

You want to win such a set with four tickets for an hour of jumping, right? Sign up below for the Zoetermeer newsletter. You will then automatically participate in the promotion and you will be kept informed of the latest news and inspiring stories from Zoetermeer. Already subscribed to the newsletter? Don’t worry, you can also just participate in the promotion. You will of course not receive duplicate newsletters.

you can join until Monday 25 April The winners will be notified by email on Tuesday 26 April. We will then share the names of the winners on our Facebook page and contact you. Good luck!
