This cyclist was taken off the road because of chemicals

The man (38) with a bike and mega speakers on the trailer is accompanied by police officers to the emergency vehicle

The man (38) with a bike and mega speakers on the trailer is accompanied by police officers to the emergency vehicle Photo: Olaf Wagner

By Ole Kroning

A man (38) with a bicycle and a huge loudspeaker box on a trailer is taken away. At his side investigators of the LKA. According to the public prosecutor, the background is drug investigations!

On Wednesday, the police pulled up in front of a commercial yard with a large contingent, including two vehicles with explosives specialists from forensic technology. The operation lasted several hours.

The investigators searched a hall on the site and apparently also found chemicals.

The police did not disclose exactly what the investigators took with them, citing the ongoing investigation. In any case, the 38-year-old cyclist was taken along. Is he a suspected dealer or a customer? Not clear. He is now free again.

The chemicals may not have been explosives, but they may have been drug-making chemicals.

When asked by the BZ, a spokesman for the Berlin public prosecutor’s office confirmed that the reason for the searches since March was ongoing investigations into drug trafficking.


Berlin police drug raid
