this curious Easter sweet is in danger of extinction

  • They are pastries that were traditionally used to decorate the palm on Palm Sunday

if we think about typical Easter sweetsTorrijas, Lenten fritters or Easter cakes can quickly come to mind. However, until a few decades ago, in Barcelona there were some very popular ones and now they have practically disappeared. Is about the ‘currutacos’.

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The ‘currutacos‘ were some pasta made with flour, butter, eggs and sugar that the Barcelona pastry chefs made a few days before the Palm Sunday since, being a kind of dry biscuits, they could be kept for several days. They were expressly intended to hang from the Palmand they had attractive shapes for children: figures of animals, humans, the moon… Thus, they were used to decorate the palm and, once blessed, it was time to eat them.

Although ‘currutacos’ are not exclusive to Barcelona, ​​the Catalan capital has been one of the places where they have been preserved the longest, as well as in some towns in the Ripollès, Garraf and Osona regions. In other parts of Catalonia receive very varied namessuch as ‘ninos’, ‘ninots’, ‘garlandes’, ‘sisenyors’, ‘papus’ or ‘figuretes’.
