Thirty arrested for impersonating driving license exams in exchange for 3,000 euros

In a joint operation, agents of the Civil Guard and the National Police 30 people have been arrested for allegedly belonging to a criminal network that was dedicated to the fraudulent obtaining of driving licences. The organization obtained them by carrying out on behalf of the exams of the General Directorate of Traffic. In addition to this business, they also carried out drug trafficking activities.

As reported by both police forces, the operation began in November 2021, when investigators confirmed that several people were impersonating driving school students in the license exam. The detainees presented themselves and They did the DGT tests in exchange for being paid between 1,800 and 3,500 euros. The impersonators used false identity documents to present in the exam, although in some cases they would have used the originals of the own customer.

In the operation, they have carried out 24 house records, five in Madrid and 19 in a residential area in Mairena del Alcor. In the Sevillian town they had occupied houses that the same family clan used as marijuana plantations.

Two branches of drug traffickers

Several of those involved would be also related to drug trafficking that they carried out divided into two groups: one in Madrid, focused on the business of fraudulent exams and laterally on the trafficking of marijuana, heroin and cocaine; the other moved through the province of Seville, focused mainly on marijuana trafficking.

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The Sevillian branch also offered its clients to obtain a driving license without having to take an exam. Of the 30 detainees, 16 have been caught in Mairena del Alcor (Seville), 13 in Madrid and one in Basauri (Bizkaia).

In the searches carried out, 300 kg of marijuana, 776 MDMA pills, 69 grams of hashish, 54 grams of heroin, 33 grams of cocaine and 15,022 euros in cash have been intervened. The gang also had four weapons, and jewelry, mobile phones, false and authentic IDs and papers for procedures before the General Directorate of Traffic have been seized.
