Think and Forum together in Venlo city council | 1Limburg

According to the results of the election evening, both Forum for Democracy and DENK will sit in the Venlo city council for the next four years.

Both newcomers score about 2.5 percent of the vote, which is enough for a seat. Venlo is one of the four Limburg municipalities in which FvD participates, DENK is only participating in Venlo this year.

Biggest party
ALokaal is strengthening its position as the largest party. The party received about 1 in 5 votes. The CDA maintained its position as the second party, with about 17 percent of the vote. The VVD had to give up the bronze in favor of the PvdA, which surpassed the liberals.

Clap for PVV
The PVV saw the number of votes in hometown Venlo almost halve: from about 10 percent in 2018, there was now just over 6 percent.

At 45 percent, the turnout was also lower than four years ago, when slightly less than half came to vote.

Also read: Candidate shortage: coalition party SP drops out in Venlo
