“Think about what you’re laughing at!”

Criticism or not: the SBS 6 viewers enjoy Chateau Bijstand. The second episode also attracted more than a million viewers yesterday. But, Angela de Jong warns: “Remember what you are laughing about!”

© Google Streetview (l), William Rutten (r)

Chateau Welfare is under fire because entertainment is made of a life on welfare in the program. Despite the massive criticism, the ratings are excellent. After the premiere watched by almost 1.1 million people, the second episode captivated more than 1 million viewers (19% market share) on SBS 6.

Angela critical

A nice score. “So 1.1 million people are watching, huh? It’s not that it isn’t looked at properly,” said SBS 6 colleague Leonie ter Braak in Jinek last Friday.

Opinion diva Angela de Jong then issued a warning. “I think that people who say ‘I just want to have a good laugh’ should think about what they are laughing about.”

Angela thinks this program is no laughing matter. “I just don’t think the zeitgeist is right for this program because time and time again we see people who are really struggling to make ends meet and having it even harder with all the rising gas prices and the like. That is different from a few years ago.”

Not so handy

Angela stands by her opinion about the program. “In a certain way, this is poked fun at. They also downplay it, like: ‘Oh people, we’re going on welfare, so first we’ll do the eyebrows, because that can’t be done next week.’”

“And: ‘At the thrift shop you can furnish a house for 400 euros, so what are those people whining about!’ You know that. And: ‘If you can’t make ends meet, then you go into prostitution!’ That was also a joke that Martien made. That is not all that useful in this area.”

SBS 6 takes silver

Thanks to Chateau Bijstand and the subsequent broadcast Today Inside (852 thousand and 18%), SBS 6 was the number two on prime time. Only NPO 1 scored better: Radar attracted 1.5 million viewers (26%) and Spoorloos had 1.3 million (26%). Only in third place follows RTL 4 with 719 thousand viewers (13%) for the postponement of execution.

The return of Khalid & Sophie did well with 733 thousand viewers (17%). Op1 (852 thousand) and Today Inside scored more viewers, Jinek (611 thousand) and HLF8 (463 thousand) attracted fewer viewers.

Viewing figures

Programs that (also) did not reach the top fifteen viewing figures include Hart van Nederland (587 thousand), Tijd voor MAX (535 thousand), Nieuwsuur (504 thousand), Shownieuws (408 thousand) and Big Brother (267 thousand).

The viewing figures of Monday, March 21, 2022 (SKO

Top 15

Market shares (18-24h, 6+)

01. News 20:00 (NPO1) 2,067,00001. NPO1 / 27.1%
02. Radar (NPO1) 1,475,00002. RTL4 / 17.7%
03. Half past seven news (RTL4) 1.449.00003. SBS6/14.2%
04. Trackless (NPO1) 1,313,00004. NPO2 / 7.6%
05. News 18:00 (NPO1) 1,172,00005. NPO3 / 7.0%
06. The Evening Show with Arjen Lubach (NPO1) 1,155,00006. RTL5 / 3.5%
07. EenVandaag (NPO1) 1,119,00007. Vero / 3.2%
08. Chateau Assistance (SBS6) 1.049.00008. RTL7 / 3.1%
09. RTL Boulevard (RTL4) 1.004.00009.NET5/2.1%
10. Op1 (NPO1) 852.00010. RTL8 / 1.7%
11. Today Inside (SBS6) 852.00011. BBC / 1.4%
12. Good times bad times (RTL4) 834.00012. Discov / 0.9%
13. Edition NL (RTL4) 824.00013. Comedy / 0.8%
14. Khalid & Sophie (NPO1) 733,00014. TLC / 0.7%
15. Deferral of Execution (RTL4) 719,00015.ID / 0.7%

Market shares per channel group (18-24h, 6+)

More viewing figures at:

01. Public Broadcasting 41.7%
02. RTL Netherlands 26.7%
03. Talpa TV 19.8%
