‘Thijs Römer is a pedophile, isn’t he?’

René van der Gijp wonders whether Thijs Römer can be qualified as a pedophile after his conviction for sexual offenses against underage girls. “Well, it’s not that short-sighted.”


Thijs Römer has been sentenced to one month in prison for online abuse of underage girls. The actor is appealing, but it could just be that he might have to grumble even longer. Meanwhile, it is heard here and there in the media that the somewhat twisted Römer scion may be addicted to sex, just like Katja.

Heroin and cocaine

How about that? Penetration expert Eveline Stallaart explains in Inside today: “The moment you get that attention and watch that p*rno, you get a lot of dopamine. That’s your happiness hormone and it goes sky high. It could just be a combination of the two. If you do that a lot, your brain is drenched in dopamine.”

It’s a serious addiction, says Eveline. “You can compare that to heroin and cocaine, of which you want more and more. You want to push the boundaries more and more to get the same amount of dopamine.”

On thin ice

You can still be addicted, but limits are limits, according to René van der Gijp. “Dear, any sane and sane person, except maybe someone who is a hundred percent convinced pedophile, who knows that if they start dealing with minors, you’re treading on thin ice. You know that right?”

Evelyn agrees. “A hundred percent. Of course. That’s it. So I think that drive to do wrong things and the kick that gives it overrules all that.”

“Is he a pedophile?”

Then René raises the question whether this gentleman is not just a pedo. “But isn’t it so common, to put it simply, that if you like girls of 13, 14, 15… Then you are a pedophile, aren’t you?”

Eveline: “Yes, it is not that short-sighted.”

René: “Why not?”

Eveline: “Because at that moment he is so driven to do wrong things, whatever it is, that’s okay… It’s about that rush and that dopamine. Pedophilia really has to do with a predilection for young girls.”

“He has!”

According to René, that is exactly what is going on here. “Yes, but he has.”

Eveline: “So we don’t know.”

René: “Otherwise he wouldn’t have done it.”

Eveline: “It can also be attention and tension. It could be the wrong thing about it. You can’t put it that way in that respect, but I understand what you’re saying.”

Finally, Johan Derksen mentions the strange role of Katja Schuurman, who made contact with one of Thijs’ victims at the end of last year. “What I find absolutely crazy is that his ex-wife is interfering and also wants to talk to those victims and stuff. It will be one big soap opera.”
