Thijs Römer case big media circus: ‘There are 33 journalists coming!’

The lawsuit against Thijs Römer is about to start and, according to court reporter Saskia Belleman, it promises to be a major media circus. “33 journalists have registered.”


Thijs Römer is on trial for sexual offenses against minors, a very serious offense. He has to report to the court in Assen today and it promises to be a painful day for all parties involved. In the first place for Thijs’ declarants, but also for the actor himself: he will have to struggle through the massively turned out press.

33 journalists

Court reporter Saskia Belleman of De Telegraaf has understood that the media will look black. “Yes, I understand that 33 journalists have registered to attend the case. That’s huge. I don’t think that all fits in that room, especially if the victims also want to sit there with perhaps some supporters.

It is still unclear to Saskia how exactly the court will organize this, she says in an email video of the newspaper. “So yes, we will see how the court in Assen has organized that.”

No need

Thijs will not like that the media is waiting for him. He now lives a retired life. “In any case, that says that he has no need for publicity for the time being. I imagine everywhere he goes now he’s going to be asked that question, like, ‘Is it right? Did you do it? How can you be so stupid?’”

To start with the last question: how could he have done this? “This happened a bit in the period after his divorce from Katja Schuurman, so I don’t rule out the possibility that he will throw it at it a bit. That he was in a difficult position and didn’t really know what he was doing. (…) If he admits it at all.”


It all doesn’t look good for Thijs. According to Saskia, he even sent d * ckpics. “I don’t think he’ll be asked in court to prove it’s one of his, but it’s still… What shall I say? A grown man sending that to 14, 15 year old girls… Not nice.”

What will the punishment be? “Officially, there is something like four years in prison for these kinds of offenses. It’s really not going to be. He is a first offender, as far as we know, and has not been convicted of this type of offense before. It also hasn’t gone as far as some others. It could be a prison sentence, but not that high in any case.”
