Thieves empty farm shop owned by BBB Member of Parliament Wenda Bolhuis in Beilen: ‘Really everything was gone’

An empty fridge, an empty table and an empty money box. The week started badly for farmer’s wife and brand new BBB member of Parliament Wenda Bolhuis from Beilen. She found her ‘smallest shop in the Netherlands’ robbed on Monday morning.

Hi Wenda, how did you discover the theft?

“On Sunday our children wanted to take the money out of the box and then they said that the box was empty. I didn’t pay much attention to it until I got to the store this morning and found it all gone. New cheese had just been delivered, there were boxes of eggs, the fridge was full of our dairy products, such as buttermilk and custard, and absolutely everything was taken. The first thing I did was storm in and lash out at my husband.”

How big is the damage?

“That in itself is not too bad. It is a very small shop, I sometimes say the smallest shop in the Netherlands. All together it will be about 150 euros in products and money. In the past we also sold meat, which is worth more. But we don’t do that anymore. In TT periods we have already been robbed of our meat three times. This is yet another theft.”

Did you take precautions?

“Yes, we attached the money box to the table and there was a camera that was also on. Only he was not connected to our WiFi network, because the shop is just too far away for that, but you couldn’t see that. When you enter, a blue light flashes, showing that it is on. Apparently that doesn’t deter either.”

And now?

“We’re doing the store. Our products are also sold at supermarket Jumbo, which is our largest customer. We have the shop for fun and to make the connection between the farmer and the citizen. Many tourists cycle here in the summer. Then we also sell ice creams. Sales in the store are based on trust. Most customers pay simply, in cash or via a payment request. We notice that the store is appreciated. We decided to give it another chance. If this happens again, we will stop.”

What is changing?

“An acquaintance offered us a reporting system, where you get an app when someone is in the store. We’ll try that. In addition, we have decided to close the shop at eight o’clock in the evening. Standing in the store yourself is not an option. That takes too much time.”

Got a lot of comments?

“Yes, especially apps with statements of support, but also with the question of what we are going to do now. At the moment, people can temporarily app or call to order products. But that threshold is higher than driving to our company on the Beilervaart to get eggs, for example. Yes, it’s sour after the festivities surrounding my installation as a Member of Parliament and especially because Easter is approaching. But I expect the store to be stocked again on Wednesday.”
