Thierry Baudet with a big scoop on Weekend cover: ‘I’m going to be a father!’

Thierry Baudet announced today on the cover of the weekly magazine Weekend that he will be the father of a boy. “In 25 years my son will be ready to succeed me,” jokes the politician.


Forum for Democracy leader Thierry Baudet has maintained warm ties with the tabloids for years. This time he gives the weekly magazine Weekend a big scoop. The politician reveals on the cover of the magazine that he is going to be the father of a boy. “When this Weekend comes out, I’ll be 23 weeks pregnant,” says his girlfriend Davide.

“It’s a boy!”

Thierry and Davide have managed to keep the news a good secret. “We waited a little longer to tell the outside world and I actually like that,” she says. She also announces the gender of the baby: “It’s a boy!”

Davide is especially curious about the eye color of their son. “Whether he will soon also have green eyes like Thierry, or maybe blue eyes, that could also be the case. I have brown eyes, but one of our parents has blue eyes. I am very curious about that.”

Forum baby

Will their son become a real Forum baby? “In 25 years my son will be ready to succeed me,” jokes Thierry. “No, he should go his own way.”

In any case, Thierry himself has no intention of taking a step back from the political scene now that he becomes a dad. “I’m not thinking about stopping. I just now feel even more driven to make the Netherlands better for the little one. Davide and I will agree how we do it.”

Not like Pechtold

Thierry has decided that he does not want to be a father like Alexander Pechtold, who saw his children little during his political career. “And then they asked him, ‘Was it worth it?’ And then he said no. Really pathetic.”

At the moment Thierry is house hunting so that they can offer their child a bigger home. Where are they looking? “I think we will stay in Amsterdam for the next few years and then enter a different phase.”

Weekend cover

You can read the big interview with Thierry Baudet this week in the new Weekend. The politician maintains close ties with the tabloids. In December, he awarded the scoop of his wedding photos to the Story. And not much later he chatted in Private with his admirer Bram Moszkowicz.

The cover of the new Weekend:
