Thierry Baudet angrily walks away from Jaïr Ferwerda: ‘So stupid!’

Thierry Baudet ran away angrily from Jaïr Ferwerda’s camera yesterday. The politician could not bear some critical questions about his pro-Russian statements. “You are so stupid!”


Thierry Baudet’s pro-Russian statements arouse much annoyance. Just before Russian President Vladimir Putin started the war in Ukraine, tweeted Thierry: “Putin is increasingly showing himself to be the leader of conservative Europe. Beautiful guy. And he’s so right about the NATO aggression and the absurd belligerence of EU, WEF, etc.”


Jaïr Ferwerda asked Thierry about this yesterday in his column in the talk show of Eva Jinek. “Your fondling with Putin, where does that come from?”

Thierry: “I’m not bigoted.”

Jaïr: “Well, to call him a beautiful guy one week before that raid, that’s a bit gushing, isn’t it?”

Thierry: “I don’t know, is that raving?”

Jaïr: “Well, to call him a beautiful guy, yes, I think so, yes. Then why do you call him a fine fellow?”

Thierry: “Because I thought so.”

more complex

Jair: “Found. And you still find it now?”

Thierry: Well, of course a lot of things happened, didn’t they? The situation has become much more complex, and I wouldn’t call people hot guys in the middle of a war. What I oppose is the Mickey Mouse thinking that dominates in the Netherlands: the good guys and the bad guys. The world as a kind of Hollywood movie.”

Jaïr: “No, I get that, but in this crisis you can say that he is the bad guy? You can make that very clear, can’t you?”

Thierry: “No, no, and that’s exactly the stupid thing about you.”

Thierry runs away

Jaïr: “After all those books I’ve read about him.”

Then Thierry walks away angrily: “You haven’t read a single book about him.”

Jaïr: “It’s too easy this, and now you’re running away!”

CDA MP Raymond Knops after the item in Jinek’s studio: “It is terrible to hear. Horrible. I’m just ashamed of someone like that to say this. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but this is just ridiculous behavior. I can’t say it any other way.”


The fragment:
