Thief takes huge palm tree in scooter and gets caught

It was a strange scene on Thursday evening at the Oude Rijksweg in Best: a man walking past a scooter with a large palm tree in a pot on the seat. The police also looked up to it and therefore went to investigate. With success, because the man turned out to have stolen the palm tree (with a value of 345 euros) from the nearby Hornbach.

The man walked next to a scooter on the Oude Rijksweg in Best around a quarter past nine on Thursday evening. He had put the palm tree on the seat of the scooter. “Because we knew that the Hornbach has palm trees in its range and that it was closed at nine o’clock, we decided to open an investigation,” the police wrote on Facebook.

It soon turned out that the palm tree had been stolen, the store’s price tag was still on it. “The suspect is locked up and has no tropical view for a while,” said the police.

The tree was immediately returned to the store. An investigation will reveal how the theft could have taken place, the police said afterwards. “There may be witnesses or CCTV footage.”
