They weren’t dead, they were reinventing themselves.

I’ll see Every man for himself! and you too. Consciously, with a clip on my nose, pretending that I am not paying attention or totally dedicated to the cause, but the point is that I will do it and then I will take refuge in the corresponding intellectual lament: that if this is how the country is going, that if people are stunned, what if instead of watching this we read more… Nothing new on this side of the screen. The new, the truly innovative, is always offered by them. We dedicate ourselves to beating them up morally, which is something we don’t like.

We repudiate everything that has to do with that troop because it represents the part we like least about ourselves: vulgarity, b-side, shadows… life.

My life, like surely yours, is a succession of failures, disappointments, heartbreaks and struggle. It is also a recovered friendship, a beautiful celebration, a new love and some hopes that continue to drive us. My life is a perfect mix of the swollen vein of the Patinothe seniority confused with the passivity of Chelo García Cortesthe arrogance of Kiko Matamoroshermeticism and subsequent openness to the world of Kiko Hernandez or the sentimentality of Lidia Lozano.

My life is more like the Sálvame universe than ‘The Key’. And it annoys me, yes, but in many moments it also relieves me.

It deserves a separate mention Belén Esteban, who at 50 years old still plays, reinventing her character. Who doesn’t have a friend who reminds them of her? That of San Blas, self-named in her television resurrection, La Patrona, represents national Jabatism. The social freight elevator, the triumph of the suburbs.

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Now all these television characters, so damned real, come to tell us that they were not dead, that they were reinventing themselves and deep down what they are telling us is that we can do it too. That if they have to leave their comfort zone, so do you, we have to give ourselves new opportunities, renew dreams, or face our fears.

Every man for himself! goes, once again of life.
