“They say there are three million poor people, where are they?”

The spokesman for the Madrid Executive and Minister of Education of the Community of Madrid, Enrique Ossorio, has opined that the Cáritas report on social exclusion is not objectivedoes not believe that there are “three million poor people” in the Community of Madrid and has wondered “where are they”.

According to this report from the Foessa Foundation, in the Community of Madrid there are “one and a half million people at risk of social exclusion“, which means 370,000 more people during the pandemic -five points more than in 2018- and implies “an unprecedented shock to social cohesion” in the region, aggravated by the gender gapsthe place of origin and the presence of minors in the home.

“If the population goes out into the streets and sees that the Community of Madrid is a rich region (…) and goes out into the streets and sees that poverty exists and they have to fight against it, but they are told that in Madrid there are three million poor, because they say ‘where will they be?'”, he ironized at the press conference after the Governing Council on the Caritas report, which, however, puts 1.5 million people at risk of exclusion.

‘I don’t see this’

Ossorio has said that these reports must be read very carefully and that the regional government is interested in them, what happens is that “you read them – he has affirmed – and then you go out into the street and what the report says, well, you say ‘I don’t see this‘. I think that kind of reporting is a mistake,” she said.

“I love that they exist to take note and look out for underprivileged peoplewhich is our first objective”, stated the counselor, who in any case has indicated that you were unable to view the report in detail but he has insisted that, after reading these reports, when citizens go out into the street they wonder if they are talking about Madrid or somewhere else.

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The Minister for the Presidency, Justice and the Interior, Enrique López, has said that with all his “respect” for the report, he refers to the official data published by the INE every year on the risk of poverty by autonomous community, where Madrid is at low riskat 15%, when there are communities that exceed 25%.

“Madrid is among the communities of Spain with the lowest poverty rate“, he insisted.
