They reveal the identity of ‘the grim reaper’ that appeared at the coronation of Carlos III

05/14/2023 at 17:38


During the coronation ceremony of Carlos III, a mysterious figure dressed in black could be seen that unleashed memes on the networks

From Westminster Abbey itself they have revealed the identity of that mysterious ‘grim reaper’

As you well know, Last Saturday, May 6, the long-awaited event took place. coronation of Carlos III as king of the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth, for which Camila also assumed her role as queen. Obviously, the massive ceremony left us with news of all kinds, and it is not for less considering the magnitude of the event, but it also left us with a most curious and mysterious moment for which we can already have a clear answer.

Specifically, it seems that The identity of the mysterious hooded man dressed in black who was seen during the broadcast of the enthronement of Carlos III, the son of Isabel II. To be more exact, this mysterious ‘grim reaper’, as some have called it, could be seen crossing from one side of Westminster Abbey to the other during said ceremony.

Of course, this moment was one of the most commented on social networks, since, in addition to their curious looks, this mysterious person was carrying an object that even looked like a scythe, so the jokes with it did not wait. From there came the name of this person as ‘the grim reaper’, although some users also joked about the possibility that it was Meghan Markle in disguise.

With all the commotion mounted on social networks, it was very difficult for all this not to reach the ears of the royal house and their relatives, so from Westminster Abbey itself they have had to come out to offer an explanation for this striking mystery. Thus, it has been revealed the identity of ‘the grim reaper’ of the coronation of Carlos III. According to the temple’s own sources, his identity is that of a Westminster Abbey sexton doing his day job.

The answer is certainly not as spectacular as what some would have liked to hear, but nothing. So the possibility that it was Meghan Markle in disguise is totally ruled out. (it would have been quite funny, really).
