They predict 1,000 million deaths from climate change in the 22nd century

Act. at 08:16


The authors of the study call for an immediate end to the use of oil, gas and coal, which cause countless premature deaths.

He climate change caused by human beings has only just begun and its effects are already being clearly noticed. But what awaits us is truly worrying. An investigation that has analyzed a total of 180 scientific studies related to the climate has revealed that 1 billion people will die prematurely over the next century due to climate change.

“This mass death is clearly unacceptable. It really is quite frightening, especially for our children,” he said. it’s a statement Joshua Pearce, professor at the University of Western Ontario (Canada) and author of the study, which has been published in Energies magazinetogether with Richard Parncutt, from the University of Graz (Austria).

Pearce and Parncutt found that peer-reviewed literature on the human mortality costs of carbon emissions converged on the “1,000 ton rule,” meaning that there will be a premature death every time approximately 1,000 tons of fossil carbon are burned.

Burning oil, gas and coal causes countless deaths

| Agencies

“Energy numbers like megawatts mean something to energy engineers like me, but not to most people. Likewise, when climate scientists talk about parts per million of carbon dioxide, that means nothing to us.” most people. A few degrees of average temperature rise” is also not intuitive. However, “The body count is something we all understand,” said Pearce, a professor at Western Engineering and Ivey Business School.

“If you take the scientific consensus on the 1,000-tonne rule seriously and run the numbers, anthropogenic global warming is equivalent to 1 billion premature deaths over the next century. Obviously, we have to act. And we have to act fast“, he pointed.

Pearce, an energy policy expert, hopes that by changing the language and metrics of global warming, more politicians and industry leaders will better understand the harsh consequences of global warming. global dependence on fossil fuels.

Petroleum platform

| Repsol

“As climate model predictions become clearer, the harm we are causing to children and future generations can increasingly be attributed to our actions,” Pearce said.

When this direct correlation is recognized, Responsibilities for greenhouse gas emissions can no longer be ignored. The study found that to limit these enormous future liabilities and save many human lives, humanity needs to stop burning fossil fuels as quickly as possible and pursue a more aggressive strategy on energy efficiency and renewable energy.

Total extinction in 250 million years?

Shortly after this study was published, a different one has appeared that goes further and makes a forecast of the black outlook that awaits humanity as a whole due to extreme heat. Specific, predicts the extinction of human beings for this reason within 250 million years.

Researchers at the University of Bristol (United Kingdom) used a supercomputer to simulate what the Earth’s climate will be like in the very distant future, taking into account a series of factors that will affect the planet’s temperature, such as increased solar radiation , massive volcanic eruptions and anthropogenic climate change.

The result is a very hot and dry planet, with temperatures reaching 70 degrees Celsius, and with serious shortages of water and food. Under these conditions, humans will not be able to adapt and will die.

Reference study:


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